
Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. – Hebrews 13:2

Contact: Nancy Taylor

The hospitality ministry provides food and beverages for various parish events, from the weekly coffee hour after the Sunday service, to special occasions like Passover Seders, birthdays and anniversaries, funerals and weddings. Hospitality sets a warm, friendly atmosphere for conversation, fellowship, and connecting with each other, and it creates a welcoming environment for visitors.

HospitalityHospitality goes beyond the “official” ministry team, however. There is nothing more inviting than a personal welcome, and so we encourage all of our members to be hospitable to each person who walks through our doors. The coffee hour is an opportunity to notice the person standing alone by the door, clearly well out of their comfort zone. We may not know what brought them to church this day—a sick child, trouble at home or on the job, depression, despair—but can be sure that they came to church to find God and to experience Him through His people somehow. Hospitality then becomes leaving our own comfort zones to walk across the room to them.