And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. – Hebrews 10:24-25
Sharing and worshiping in small groups adds to the corporate worship we experience on Sundays. Three home groups meet regularly each month and are open to anyone who is interested. They are located in geographically diverse areas of Houston and each has a different focus. Contact the church for more information.
Seekers | Eastwood | Stella Link/South Loop
The Seekers Home Group
Location: 4601 Woodside, Houston, Texas 77023
Meeting time: Alternate Mondays, 7:00 pm
Contact: Nancy Taylor, (713) 926-4977
The Seekers Group led by Allen Ansevin meets in the home of Nancy Taylor and Peggy Fergus. We gather to share spiritual insights on a variety of topics selected by members of the group. Although the Seekers Group observes a format that may differ from that of a typical “house church” or home group, our regular meetings always include a time for prayer and provide frequent opportunities for personal sharing; the clear aim is to strengthen our experience of God and to deepen the spiritual awareness of each person. The Seekers Group looks for inspiration from diverse sources, and our discussions do not shy away from controversy; however, we share our opinions in a spirit of mutual respect and consideration. The Seekers Group has been meeting on a regular schedule since June 2003.
A typical meeting finds us gathered around the dinner table. After an opening prayer, we share snacks, personal concerns, prayer requests, and songs, accompanied by guitar. Generally a topic for the evening has been agreed upon, which might be discussion of a book we are reading together, such as Richard Rohr’s Falling Upward. Consideration of a single question sometimes occupies an entire evening’s discussion time, as we each share thoughts from our past and current experience. Occasionally we meet at other members’ homes or at restaurants for special occasions, and once in a while we watch a movie together, either for discussion or simply for enjoyment.
In all matters, we are invited to express our individual sense of how God may be speaking to and directing us.
We are Seekers of the Truth, sharing our journey and welcoming others to join us.
Eastwood Home Group
Location: 4337 Clay, Houston, Texas 77023
Meeting time: Mondays, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Contact: Dick or Ivis Bird, (713) 921-4425
The group led by Dick and Ivis Bird meets in the home of Pat Farra. Our agenda varies as the Lord leads us or as the needs of the group are expressed. The meetings usually begin with a time of praise and worship, followed by a teaching or sharing of the Lord’s working in our lives. The evening concludes with a sharing of prayer needs that are gathered into an e-mail and sent to each member to pray about in the coming week.
Sometimes the group attends events around the city that we feel called to. We also celebrate significant events in each other’s lives, such as birthdays.
We warmly invite you to visit us.
Stella Link/South Loop Home Group
Location: 3741 Turnberry Circle, Houston, Texas 77025
Meeting time: Second and fourth Tuesdays, 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Contact: David Carlson, (713) 569-1738
The group led by David Carlson gathers at the home of Gil and Mary Micheletti. After an opening prayer and time of singing, we discuss a variety of Biblical or inspirational themes – for example, Where did Moses really cross the Red Sea? Where is the true site of St. Paul’s shipwreck? What does the Bible teach about death?. Or we might have a formal Biblical teaching by a member of the group, watch an inspirational video, or attend a community event. We then move to informal conversation and refreshments, after which we conclude the evening with prayer. We occasionally meet for dinner at a restaurant or enjoy a potluck dinner in the home.
Because we share our lives freely and intercede for one another, we bond in deep friendships that are a joy to us all. Our doors are always open to visitors and guests who want to share this unique and intimate form of worship.