We invite you to visit Church of the Redeemer, an Episcopal mission of the Diocese of Texas. At Redeemer you will find a small but enthusiastic congregation devoted to worshiping God and to serving one another and those around us. We offer Holy Communion every Sunday afternoon, a time of fellowship afterward, and intercessory prayer teams available to pray with you privately.
We are a unique group of people who have been formed and shaped by the experiences we have shared over several decades as God has worked in our midst, bringing inspiration, revival, and healing to our congregation. We value our relationship with Him and look for ways to express our love and devotion through worship, prayer, and caring for one other. We embrace creativity in worship, whether it be through music, singing, dance, or drama. We look to the Holy Bible to guide us, opening our ears and hearts to hear and understand how He wants us to live. We value prayer and believe that the Lord hears us, cares for us, and responds to our petitions for help, healing, and the provision of our needs. We value honesty and transparency in our relationships, and we love to gather together both corporately and in small groups to share important things in our lives with each other.
Whatever your taste in music, you will find it here—traditional hymns with organ accompaniment, contemporary and folk with guitars, meditative Taizé—even our own original compositions. Visiting Eucharistic ministers serve our shut-ins on Sundays and by request.
We welcome you to participate in our parish life.
If you would like to experience more-intimate times of worship, Redeemer has several home groups that meet during the month. Each group chooses its own emphasis, such as teaching from the Lectionary, study and discussion of spiritual books and films, singing, personal reflection, and prayer. Another opportunity for intimate worship is our informal Friday night gathering, with praise and worship, sharing, and Bible teaching from Father Israel. We also worship “in the round”—every month with a fifth Sunday finds us seated in an informal circle with members choosing the music sung during the service.
Whether we are together on Sunday afternoons, Friday nights, or in our homes, we prize the testimonies we share with one another—testimonies of how God is present in our lives, speaking to us, encouraging us, and demonstrating His love to us.
Please set aside Sunday at 4:00 pm and come celebrate with us!