John 1:29-41
The Rev. Dr. Israel Ahimbisibwe
Before John the Baptist met face to face with Jesus and baptized Him in the Jordan River, he already had a wonderful, powerful ministry of his own. He even had discoples of his own, one of whom was known as Andrew.
John had always considered himself as the one preparing for the arrival of Jesus.
After he met and baptized Jesus, John continued to speak about Jesus so well, so powerfully – representing Him as the Lamb of God who forgives the sins of the people – that even John’s own disciples felt so impressed that they wanted to leave John and follow Jesus.
In fact, the Gospel says that when Jesus was walking by, He saw Andrew with another disciple of John following behind. Jesus had not called them and when He saw them following Him he said, “What are you looking for?” They said they wanted to know where He was staying. And He told them, “Come and see.” Then the narrative continues, “They came and saw where He was staying, and they remained with Him.”
All this happened because John was a very good representative of Jesus Christ. Later on, when King Herod arrested John shortly before beheading him, Jesus said, “I tell you the truth: among those born of woman, there has not arisen anyone greater than John the Baptist.”
But the story of John is our own story. It is the story of causing an attraction for Jesus because you believe in Him. Because you are a follower of Christ:
- People will want to know what makes you a kind and loving person.
- People will want to know what makes you victorious and able to overcome your troubles.
- People will want to know the source of your joy.
- People will want to know why you are a cool-headed person.
Most of you won’t be like those of us who preach from the pulpit, but the life of every follower of Jesus Christ – whether one who sits in the pew or not, whether man or woman – that life is a living, written sermon meant to attract people to Jesus.
Like John the Baptist, who represented so well that Jesus spoke highly about him, we too have a place of honor before God after we represent Jesus well.
Think about what Jesus said:
- He said that if you obey My teachings, then love one another so that people will know that you are my followers. This is to represent Jesus well.
- He said that if you dress the naked, feed the hungry, visit the sick, take care of the widows and orphans, and go to visit prisoners, you are doing the same to Me. This to represent Jesus well.
- He said that if we make peace (not necessarily the United Nations kind of peace, but the peace that salves the wounded heart and comforts those in pain), if we “make their day,” we are daughters and sons of God. This is to represent Jesus well.
- He said that we must become humble as He was humble; we must diminish ourselves and allow Him to increase in us. This is to represent Jesus well.
Someone there outside will see Jesus because of what you do for them. It may be an act of care or of love. The point is that God calls each one of us to let Jesus so shine in us that people might give glory to God who lives in heaven. That is representing Jesus well.